Aitolo soccer competition underway

Aitolo soccer competition underway

By LESLEY SANGA Thrilling Seven-A-Side Soccer Showdown Unfolds in Aitolo, Central Kwaraáe, Malaita Province Youthful Enthusiasm Takes Center Stage in the Pursuit of Glory and Prizes In a dynamic display…

New Dawn for Gwaunafiu Farm

New Dawn for Gwaunafiu Farm

By LESLEY SANGA A team comprising officers from the South Pacific Community (SPC), Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL), Kastom Gaden Association (KGA), and Solagro has completed a baseline assessment…

Planting Native Trees

Planting Native Trees

People used to laugh at Lionel Maeliu from Gwaunafiu village in central Kwara’a, Malaita province when he started planting native trees like Baula and others. They believed he should be focusing on faster-growing timber species like mahogany and other introduced trees.