
“Slipper Cabbage Farmer Builds Dream Home Through Hard Work” Gariel Bisu, from Gwailiki village in West Kwara’ae, Malaita Province, is proof that determination and hard work can turn dreams into…

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Protecting Highland Soil Through Contour Farming Lionel Maeliu, founder of Gwaunafiu Farmers School in Malaita, is calling on highland farmers to adopt contour farming methods to protect their soil from…

New Kumara Planting Techniques

New Kumara Planting Techniques

During a recent training at Gwaunafiu Farmers School in Central Kwara’ae, renowned agricultural trainer Lionel Maeliu introduced three innovative Kumara (sweet potato) planting techniques to local farmers. The methods —…

South Road Emergency Work Praised

South Road Emergency Work Praised

Business operators along South Road in Central Kwara’ae, Malaita province are happy about recent road repairs. The 42-kilometer emergency road work was funded by the Australian government. Judith Fono, an…