Meet Steven Misiosi, the Inspiring Owner of Haodaikirio Homestay

By LESLEY SANGA Growing up, my father’s identity remained a mystery to me as he passed away when I was just a young child. Without the presence and care of…


Growing up, my father’s identity remained a mystery to me as he passed away when I was just a young child. Without the presence and care of a father, life has presented its challenges. To add to that, I was adopted by another family, as revealed by Steven Misiosi in an interview with Malaita News.

Nonetheless, I have persisted in navigating through life, accepting the circumstances that unfolded and remaining vigilant for opportunities to rewrite my story. It has been a journey of perseverance, but finally, I have managed to bring about a positive transformation.

Steven, the proud owner of Haodaikirio Homestay, situated a mere 12 kilometers from Auki town, recently shared his remarkable journey with Malaita News. Reflecting on his past, he disclosed, “Yes, I was a pushout student of Aligegeo in 2012.” Upon leaving school and returning home, a sense of helplessness enveloped me, as I grappled with limited options. Tears welled up in my eyes, uncertain of what lay ahead, especially considering my past as a pushout student. However, it was during this moment of vulnerability that the idea of working the land struck me.

In 2013, I wasted no time and embarked on cultivating taro. Once the harvest was ready, I skillfully crafted the renowned Kwara’ae taro pudding, locally known as lakeno, and offered it for sale at the bustling Auki market. Encouraged by its success, I expanded my endeavors to encompass the cultivation of vegetables such as eggplants, peanuts, and cabbages.

In 2020, I ventured into the cocoa drying business, but the market conditions in Auki proved unfavorable, prompting me to refocus on farming. Throughout those years, I diligently saved money, eventually opening a small canteen. However, as life tends to unfold, familial challenges arose, leaving me emotionally drained, and I had no choice but to close down my canteen. In my quest for resilience, I turned to making bean cakes, slowly regaining stability. With the income generated from the cakes, I transitioned into selling petrol and resurrected my canteen.

Utilizing my hard-earned savings, I embarked on the construction of a conference hall last year, which is still undergoing development. “Our setup is gradually taking shape,” expressed Mr. Misiosi, expressing gratitude for the support and assistance of the Adima community, whose manpower proved invaluable. The journey has been far from easy, with disparaging remarks from certain individuals tempting me to surrender. However, fueled by my unwavering passion, I persisted with unwavering determination, aiming to bring my vision to fruition and prove the doubters wrong.

Recently, we hosted our inaugural event, the YECSI bootcamp, which not only opened my eyes but also left a lasting impact on the participants. I extend my heartfelt appreciation to the community, Tourism Solomons, and our diligent tourism officer, Shania Fiumae, for their unwavering support and guidance. You have all played an instrumental role in this venture’s success.

Today, we eagerly anticipate the arrival of another group who will be holding their meeting tomorrow. Haodakirio remains committed to providing a welcoming space for gatherings and workshops, as affirmed by Mr. Misiosi. To the young people of Malaita, my primary counsel is to unearth the untapped potential within yourselves and harness it to achieve success. Let us not rely solely on others to initiate our endeavors, for everything we need lies within us, waiting to be actualized.

Let go of the past and embrace the opportunities of the new era. It’s time for us to step up and take charge. Remember, where there’s a will, there’s always a way.

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